History of Rutherford Hill
Nestled high on a hill, Rutherford Hill Winery commands a spectacular view overlooking the Rutherford bench of Napa Valley. It is from a handful of the most select Napa vineyards that Rutherford Hill continues its tradition of crafting legendary wines. In 1972, while the rest of the world was just beginning to take notice of Napa Valley, the founders of Rutherford Hill recognized a unique opportunity; they believed that the climate and soil of the valley, similar to Pomerol, were well-suited to Merlot and were among the first to pioneer what has become one of Napa's premier varieties.
In 1996, the Terlato family purchased the winery and embraced their legendary commitment to quality over quantity. Their pursuit of excellence began with a comprehensive review of all aspects of the property which resulted in significant enhancements to our portfolio of wines' great complexity and character.
Bill and John Terlato continue their father, Anthony Terlato’s legacy by working closely with Rutherford Hill winemaker, to take on the challenges of consistently improving the wine, vintage after vintage. The exacting standards that the Terlato's apply to all their ventures was evident at Rutherford Hill from the moment of purchase.
Building on Tradition
Another way of putting quality first was to create an environment in which reserve wines could be given the time, care and consideration they needed within the Rutherford Hill portfolio.
A new state-of-the art facility for the production of reserve wines ─ a "winery within a winery" ─ began taking shape in spring of 2000 and was functional in time for that year's harvest. Costing more than $7 million, the 5,100-square foot winery addition has 24 fermentation tanks ranging from 1,500 to 6,000 gallons. It is self-contained, complete with its own press, refrigeration capabilities (tanks are jacketed for both warming and cooling glycol) and harvest crew.
Creating the Ideal Wine-Storage Environment
Rutherford Hill was an innovator in Napa Valley in the building of caves and employment of a pallet-stacking system within those caves. Year-round, 8,000 wine-filled French and American oak barrels age in an ideal wine-storage environment of 59ºF/90 percent humidity. The result is a substantial reduction in wine evaporation, creating wines with lower concentrations of alcohol. The improvements in the caves that began in 1999 illustrate the big-picture view that embodies the Terlato family's commitment to quality.
Looking Toward the Future
A substantial investment has been made in purchasing vineyards and in new long-term contracts with growers representing some of Napa Valley's finest vineyards. These actions will help contribute to Rutherford Hill's ongoing pledge of excellence.
A quarter-century after Rutherford Hill was founded, the pioneering spirit that created it perseveres. Armed with their extensive wine industry experience, the Terlato Family continues to invest in future quality.